Please note, we are not associated with Royal Mail in any way, we just locate Royal Mail post boxes.
This website is run and maintained by two chaps who do this in their spare time. We work under the pseudonym Pixelfoo; Pixel handles the design/frontend of things and Foo writes the magic behind the scenes. If you like Local Postbox and want to help keep it running please consider donating a little below!

The Local Postbox is an online resource for you to find your closest Royal Mail post boxes. It pin points the location of Royal Mail postboxes and Royal mail post offices using google maps, shows the best route by car and tells you the distance along with the collection times on weekdays and Saturday. It's only intention is to help you get those love letters or postcards to their destination on time or help you gloat about what a wonderful time your having in sunny old England.
Because we enjoy it! The two of us work in the web industry and love what we do. So if we have an idea or see something worth doing we'll give it a shot. If you like what we've done give us a shout, we'd love to hear any feedback you might have.